Cristina’s Boutique was owned by Maria Cristina B. Didulo,  she was born in Dec. 01,1987 at Tabuc Norte, Panitan, Capiz. There hometown is in Malocloc Sur, Ivisan, Capiz.she is daugther of Olegario didulo Jr., a jeepney driver and Delia Billones Didulo, a simple housewives.She have a three brothers and two sister.She's from a poor family but his father and mother do everything to send her to school.She graduated of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Hercor College.After finishing college she work first in one boutique as an asst. manager,to gain a capital and experience about business. After she accumulated her capital,she decided to build her own business and she choose a boutique.Today, Cristina’s Boutique become well-known to our country.There are some investor in our boutique. emertxe bsba

Our Investors
  • Andrea Caldea
  • Ginalyn Borres
  • Ronalyn Diaz
  • Cherry Bandillon
  • Nhel Rose Condecido